Post Operative Instructions
Please follow the instruction indicated below:
Your child has had a local anesthetic for the required dental treatment. Children do not always understand the
effects of a local anesthetic, and may chew or suck the numb lip, tongue, or cheek. Although this is not a
serious thing it is an uncomfortable feeling for your child. Please watch your child closely following the
appointment for the duration of the anesthetic, usually one to two hours.
Dentistry has been done in the lower jaw. The tongue, lip, as well as the teeth and surrounding tissue will be
numb and asleep for approximately 2 hours.
Dentistry has been done in the upper jaw. The lip, teeth and surrounding tissue will be numb and asleep for
approximately 2 hours.
Keep your child on a liquid diet until the anesthetic has worn off.
It is normal to experience some sensitivity to hot and cold but the pain should not linger. The sensitivity
should go away in a few months.
Please call us if your child is:
1) Experiencing pain when biting down.
2) If pain is keeping her up at night.
3) If gum boil (pimple) formed around the tooth.
4) If the filling debonds from the tooth.
Good Oral hygiene is important for the success of the treatment. Please brush and floss daily.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office.